Hey guys! Here is a fun little character guy (I've got some half-baked name ideas...) who's sorta been in development. I'm trying to approach character design in a more rounded way lately - thinking about what they look like in different moods, angles, and positions, etc. I have a tiny seed of a story idea for this guy...so, more to come! Thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think of the blog and what you'd like to see! -BL
I've been playing around with a vector-based gradient stipple effect for shading... So I thought I'd color and shade this guy from a previous doodle. It's getting closer to what I want, but I'm still working on it. (Initial sketch posted beneath.) Let me know what you guys think of this Killa Baby 'Zilla. :)
Hey guys! Another doodle-to-final typography-attempt here. Thought it'd be fun to start a little patriotic series of these "mantras." Let me know what you think of 'em! *salute*
I like words. A bunch. You might call me a word nerd. And then, I may bow deeply and tip my hat or pencil to you. Many, many times, my doodles take the form of some word or phrase. In an unending attempt to improve on my hand lettering skills, I've been playing with type a lot lately. I certainly don't claim to be a type designer, but it's fun to draw/illustrate letters - and get a better understanding of how each letter form works. Here's a little before & after trial. Let me know what you think!